
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Days in a Row

The other day I posted about my Achilles tendonitis, my most recent "pain in the heel."  From what I'm reading, most websites suggest that runners who suffer from this type of tendonitis should either lessen their mileage or take some time off entirely.  Since I was going non-stop from the time I woke up until into the evening, yesterday I decided to take another day off from running.  That would be two days in a row.  

If I want to feel better, I need to listen to my body, sacrifice a few miles and rest.  I need to put it in my mind that two days won't kill me, and it certainly won't lessen my fitness level.

This morning I got back on the saddle and woke up pre-6am and ran five miles.  

I have to say, it felt pretty good!  Maybe a little rest does go a long way?  Bottom line, I need to tell myself that days off are OK.  In fact, they're necessary in my journey of healthy running. 

Enjoy your Wednesday!


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